Danny Mittens Is Gone
Danny got poorlier the staff tooked him away and he never came back.
Goodbye Danny Mittens, my bestest friend...
Babe the cat, super spy, explorer, poet & singer.
Cuddly coil looks like fun, nearly as good as a cardboard box.
My chair I sleep in iz broked and I needs a new bed but don't bovver wiv the cat, we'ze already got plenty of them.
And I'ze want a cat tree but can't decide which one.
Stylish or fun?
Decisions, decisions
Danny got poorlier the staff tooked him away and he never came back.
Goodbye Danny Mittens, my bestest friend...
I likes to chase them birdies up the trees in my garden, but I can never catch them no matter how fast I climb.
A couple of weeks ago we had more snow than I have ever seened.
It snowed and snowed and snowed and Mum made some paths through the snow so that I could go out and play.
The snow iz very cold but iz lotz of fun to play wiv...
It has been a long time since I posted on this blog but I haz been too bizzy.
But now I'ze back wiv a vengeance.
What has I done since the last time I woz here ? lots of stuff...
Summer came and went, ortum came and went, wintr came early and won't go
My adoptd sis Stole iz still grumpy my adpoptd bruvver Danny Mittens still wants to play wiv me but he iz scary cos he iz so much bigger than me.
I iz mostly in hibernation mode cos it is very very cold.
This iz me waking up from a snooze
It woz going to be a grand ekspedishun up the north face of the birch. My claws woz freshly sharpend and the sun woz high in the sky. The offishul fotograffer woz standing by and I woz ready to go...
The first part of the climb woz the branchless trunk and I used my claws to good effekt, but I had a very tricky manoover to get past the first big branch, I held on for dear life until I regotted my balance. Then I traversied to a safer branch where I rested. The first arduous stage was over...
Now woz some easier climbing for another third of the birch, tho some of the branches woz really quite skinny and close together...
And as I woz getting ready for the final ascent I realized that it woz dinner time and I got a little wurried that I might not be able to get down. As I looked for the easiest route from the big branch my fotograffer grabbed me and putted me on the ground. Oh the indignity...
I will try for the summit again when I have more time.
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