Wednesday, 17 June 2009

I'ze writted sum poems on twitter this week

oh the grass iz green and i am mean i sitz and waitz for birdies. they iz so sweet but not much meat an now I'm lost for wordies.

i'ze in coz it iz rainin, my boredom threholdz wanin, my mum iz dangling cord, but i'ze still feelin bored...

i'ze a poet an i kno it


Everycat 18 June 2009 at 16:26  

Oooh what a good poet you are Baby Cattykins. It's lovely to meet you. We are in the UK too. Have you seen the Catblogosphere, if you put a link to your posts on the front page there, lots of cats will be able to visit you!

Whicky Wuudler.

Everycat 18 June 2009 at 16:27  

oops forgot to give you the link! Here it is....

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