Babe and Boxes
I has two videos on Youtube
Watch me be scary...
I do luv boxes, they iz such gud fun and small ones iz a gud ajility test.
I'ze very kwik wiv the claws, hear them squeal, meaargh ha ha!!
Babe the cat, super spy, explorer, poet & singer.
Cuddly coil looks like fun, nearly as good as a cardboard box.
My chair I sleep in iz broked and I needs a new bed but don't bovver wiv the cat, we'ze already got plenty of them.
And I'ze want a cat tree but can't decide which one.
Stylish or fun?
Decisions, decisions
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We loved how you tenderized and then tasted your Human in the second video! heh heh.
My favorite part was in the first video, where you attacked the paparazzi!
You are definitely a professional box tester, are you not? Well done!
Oh that is just adorable :) Brilliant blog and beautiful cat!
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