Singing again...
Been singing on twitter
got off to a slow start
♫ ♪ tum ti tum, ti tum, ti tum. tum ti tiddly tum tum - all togevver now!
song for the rude girls hoo keep trying to follow me...
♫ ♪ goodbye rudey chewsday - hoo cud hang sum clothes on yoos - wen yoos nude wiv evry noo day - think i got the words wrong
and my favrite...
♫ ♪ Like a bird on the wire, swing it round jus a little higher, tried to catch it evry way jus for me ♪ ♫
♫ ♪ Is this the real life? Can I have fish for tea? Thought i'd be inside, but that's not the reality... ♫ ♪
Bibi Cat joined in...
(Abba Super Trouper) *singing* Super tuna bites are going to find me, filling up my tum....
♫ ♪ Mama, I just cooked a fish, put my paw against his gill, stuck my claw in for the kill ♫ ♪
We'ze having such fun...
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