#AnipalHB Winter Sports Coloring Pages
3 weeks ago
Babe the cat, super spy, explorer, poet & singer.
Cuddly coil looks like fun, nearly as good as a cardboard box.
My chair I sleep in iz broked and I needs a new bed but don't bovver wiv the cat, we'ze already got plenty of them.
And I'ze want a cat tree but can't decide which one.
Stylish or fun?
Decisions, decisions
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That was a great limerick Babe!!
Great limerick!
I gave you an award on my blog if you'd like it.
Cindy, I'ze never had an award. Ra raargh I thinks I would likes it very much.
Oh how I love kitteh poetry!
There was a young cat from kentuckit....emm better not.
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