The Usual Suspects
Some birdie feathers woz founded on the grass this morning and we woz all taken in for questioning...
Who killed the birdie? Did a Birdie even get killed? They never seen a body!
It woz the usual suspects... I wozn't putting myself in the frame and Danny iz too slow and stupid to kill anything (mostly).
Stole looked as though butter wuddent melt in her mouth but she iz top on the list of suspects. Well, she sez it woz Keyser Soze. Don't know who that is - must be the grey and white stray cat that woz attacking the bag of recycling the other day. He iz a bit of a psycho - he pooed in the hallway too.
Whodunnit? We woz all outside when it happened.
Woz it Stole?
Woz it Danny?
Woz it me?
Or woz it Keyser Soze? or it could have been Kitty from nextdoor or Frankiestein... or the hawk... They all has motive but now there iz too many suspects - i'ze not very good at writing whodunnits am I? Read more...