A couple of weeks ago we had more snow than I have ever seened.
It snowed and snowed and snowed and Mum made some paths through the snow so that I could go out and play.
The snow iz very cold but iz lotz of fun to play wiv...
Babe the cat, super spy, explorer, poet & singer.
Cuddly coil looks like fun, nearly as good as a cardboard box.
My chair I sleep in iz broked and I needs a new bed but don't bovver wiv the cat, we'ze already got plenty of them.
And I'ze want a cat tree but can't decide which one.
Stylish or fun?
Decisions, decisions
A couple of weeks ago we had more snow than I have ever seened.
It snowed and snowed and snowed and Mum made some paths through the snow so that I could go out and play.
The snow iz very cold but iz lotz of fun to play wiv...
It has been a long time since I posted on this blog but I haz been too bizzy.
But now I'ze back wiv a vengeance.
What has I done since the last time I woz here ? lots of stuff...
Summer came and went, ortum came and went, wintr came early and won't go
My adoptd sis Stole iz still grumpy my adpoptd bruvver Danny Mittens still wants to play wiv me but he iz scary cos he iz so much bigger than me.
I iz mostly in hibernation mode cos it is very very cold.
This iz me waking up from a snooze
It woz going to be a grand ekspedishun up the north face of the birch. My claws woz freshly sharpend and the sun woz high in the sky. The offishul fotograffer woz standing by and I woz ready to go...
The first part of the climb woz the branchless trunk and I used my claws to good effekt, but I had a very tricky manoover to get past the first big branch, I held on for dear life until I regotted my balance. Then I traversied to a safer branch where I rested. The first arduous stage was over...
Now woz some easier climbing for another third of the birch, tho some of the branches woz really quite skinny and close together...
And as I woz getting ready for the final ascent I realized that it woz dinner time and I got a little wurried that I might not be able to get down. As I looked for the easiest route from the big branch my fotograffer grabbed me and putted me on the ground. Oh the indignity...
I will try for the summit again when I have more time.
Some birdie feathers woz founded on the grass this morning and we woz all taken in for questioning...
After a long nite owt I woz coming in the in thru the catflap and a bit of sumthing broked off.
I didn't think anything abowt it cos I'ze always breaking sumthing, but jus as it woz starting to get light there woz an almihty racket. I went to run up the stairs cos it woz scary and saw Danny and Stole looking down at me. They thort the noize woz me but the noize woz still happening.
"Ther'z a monster in the house" I shouted and Stole shouted "Ther'z a monster in the house" and Danny didn't say anything - I think he's a bit stoopid.
Anyway Mum came to see wot all teh noize woz abowt and it wozn't a monster it woz the stray cat Frankiestein wot had come in thru the catflap and couldn't get owt again cos I'd broked it.
He ran away very scared when Mum opened the door - maybe he wont be back again.
Mum iz trying to fix the catflap so it won't get stucked shut again. I think it mus be folty she shud get her money back and get me somthing nice.
Anyway it woz a tiring nite and I haz been very sleepy all day.
Iz the 1st of Maize an I iz celebrate it in traditional manner wiv a very long sleep. Iz a bit cold owtside. I think I stay indoors till Dune Day maybe warmer then.
I woz sitting at the kitchen window when the owtside birdies got all scaredy and flewed away. Then my Mum and me saw a hawk land on the hedge and sit there for a minute. It looked something like this pikture but sitting on a hedge not in a tree.
There haz been piles of dove feathers on the back lawns evry so often and I woz keep getting blamed for killing birdies and it wozn't me; it woz the hawk!
I kill my birdies at least two gardens away so I don't get found owt.
This iz a rare pikture of me on the move, I'ze so quik usully iz jus a pikture of my tail. Mum woz quik wiv the clicky button on the camra.
I'ze on a nice bit of indoor furniture wot iz outdoor, great for climbing or just sitting to watch the birdies.
Mum sez the furniture iz going to be gotted rid of. The catz in the famlee iz going to have a protest sit on. This may not work out very good cos Stole does not like to share it wiv me and Danny Mittens.
I'ze been playing chase-me in the garden wiv Danny Mittens. Danny likes to play wiv me sumtimes. Izn't the sunshine nice?
All of a sudden while I woz checking out the birdbath I noticed the dog in the garden.
It woz Danny's friend Jack who had come to stay wiv us for the day. Danny likes him but I don't. I kept out of the way and watched him.
And do yoo know wot he didded - he tiddled on my favrite shrub - yoo know, the little one I like to roll around next to and kick.
Isn't tiddle a funny word? Reminds me of the nursry rhyme:
Mum woz hanging out the washing and I gots the urge to do art so i jumpyed arownd in the puddles and then hopped into the laundry basket just before the last towel woz hanged out.
This iz my art:
I calls it "Muddy Garden on Laundry Day"
Mum for sum reason wozn't too pleazed but I think it is ekcellent.
My Old Secret
And like attracts like and yoo'ze get wot yoos want - in theory.
I'ze wotched The Secret and i'ze practising beleeving that I has a new fun climbing thing, wen I climbs on top on the television in my mind it is a noo fun cat climby thing or cat tree.
I don't quite get how the receeving bit works yet, but apparently I'ze just got to trust the powers that be to arrange for it to happen.
Read more...To the Almighty Ceiling Cat,
Please send me a nice climby thing cos I getz easily bored and I needs sumthing to keep me amused. I wud prefer a super deluxe one.
Also I would like tuna evry day and squirty cream cos they'ze really lip-smacking good.
Thank yoos very muchly
Yurs thankfully
Babe Cattykins
Ain't no sunshine when it'z dark
An it'z always dark at nite
Ain't no sunshine when it'z dark
An it'z always dark at nite, evry nite sun goes away
And I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow
I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow
I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow
I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow, I meow
Good cat'z chorus there...
I woz in the bedroom exploring in the dark last nite and there iz a tiny little gap behind a shelf that I'ze been wanting to investigate - so I did. It wozn't really big enuff and I got a bit stucked.
I wud have gotted out eventully but Mum woked up and heard me. It took a little bit until she founded me and she moved the furniture and pulled me out. She said I am a norty girl and covered over the gap so I can't get in there anymore.
So the explorings continued onto the top of the tv stuff and my attempt at the north face of the pile of DVDs on the high up shelf. Mum woz not amused and gotted out of bed again to bring me back down.
Anyway it seemed like a good time to play catch the foot under the quilt. She iz quite good at screaming and still not very amused.
Why iz hoomans so grumpy at nite and why does they want to sleep away the best bit of the day?
Mum iz having the video channel on and I'ze jus see'd Lady Gaga. Wots can I say - weird or wot?
Catchy tune tho: ♫ ♪ Raargh! Raargh! ra-ra-Raargh! ♫ ♪ I'ze fierce RAARgh!
Look at the great big clompy shoes she iz wearing - watch all small creatures, clompy shoes, clompy shoes!
Stole got trodded on this morning - clumsy Mum... "sorree sorree sorree, poor baby Stole" shud wotch where she putz her big clompy feet. She trodded on me wunce, never again I'ze keep away wen she'ze wearing her clompy shoes. Izn't clompy a good word? I'ze will probably never say clompy again so I'ze getting it in as much as possibles now.
Babe iz bored so please tell me a story.... I will start it and everybodee else can continues...
Also, here iz my map to gives yoos som ideas...
Mum has been photo'ing me rolling round in a sun puddle this morning.
Sorree I hasn't been here much but gotz me a little time on the newish komputer this morning. Mum iz sorting lots of old files out so not much time.
Been tweeting - "Someone sed that Spring iz just round the corner so I'ze went round the corner and it wozn't there..."
and been singing wiv Bibi_Cat
♫ ♪ Gimme gimme gimme a mouse after midnight ♫ ♪
Bibi_Cat - do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do I is warming up to sing a little songy with @BabeCattykins
Bibi_Cat - ♫ ♪ Gimme gimme gimme a mouse after midnight ♫ ♪ Won't somebody help me catch the big mouse today ♫ ♪
Another classic Beatles song:
♫ ♪ Lucy on the pies with almonds ♫ ♪
♫ ♪ Picture yourself by a bowl eating liver, With biccies for afters and fishfinger pies ♫ ♪ ok that one iz a bit iffy.... needs some work.
Mum woz moaning bout all the paw printz - I think it woz Danny Mittens wot dunnit but she thinks it woz me. She said this picture is evidence - that iz dried on dirt iz yoo'ze blind?
BEWARE OF BLOG Iz'e like this. Beware of this blog it can be scary sumtimes.
I'ze putted my song about Danny Mittens on Cat Things about his lots of toesies.
I'ze changed it a bit:
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